Curated content for the
Ashoka Canada Fellow Network

As an Ashoka Canada Fellow, you’re busy. You need relevant, vetted, high-quality information — and you need it in one place. That’s why we’ve created this Fellows-only page. We’ve curated the wealth of information on Ashoka global network achievements to bring you the most relevant and recent network news.

We’ll update this page at least every quarter, supporting your work by bringing you the Ashoka network news you need to know.


Highlights from the Network

Ashoka Changemaker Summit 2020: November 17 – 19

Be part of the world’s largest online gathering of Changemakers. Get your ticket today!! To activate your FREE Fellow ticket, use the code “FellowACMS2020” when registering.

Targeted actions to ensure cultural safety of First Nations and Inuit

Quebec Government to invest $15 million to enhance cultural safety in the health and social services sector for members of First Nations and Inuit. It will strengthen practices devoid of prejudice, fight against discrimination and build lasting trust.

Create an Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive environment for the success of your workforce

An unhealthy work environment takes a physical and emotional toll on workers. Now is the time to address the systemic racism at the organizational level and integrate EDI value-system to build thriving communities.

Evolutional Governance – A new model of non-profit leadership

Ashoka Fellow Vanessa LeBourdais introduces Evolutionary Governance model for non-profits as an alternate pathway away from outdated systems of colonial origins and structural legacies. Read the two-part article for new leadership approach during uncertain times.

A defence tool against racial police profiling

With the launch of a mobile app, Hoodstock is shifting the power dynamics between community members who can face police brutality and law enforcement. It allows victims to record and document their interactions with the police – an alternative to body cams where the data is collected and owned by the police. The app also acts as a learning tool with short articles about the rights of a person vis-à-vis the police.


Highlights from the Network

Next Economy Conversations

Ashoka Fellows Tonya Surman and Jeff Cyr discuss Raven Capital Partner’s Indigenous approach to equity investment and fund management in Next Economy Conversations.

Five ways to preserve the best social innovations from the pandemic

Ashoka Fellow Al Etmanski on how to ensure society keeps — and builds on — the best responses to COVID, post pandemic. In the Toronto Star.

Rethinking the charitable status quo

The pandemic presents an opportunity for Canada’s charitable sector to disrupt the status quo. The Philanthropist features the Academy for Collaboration, designed in partnership with Ashoka Canada, Philanthropic Foundations Canada, and the Saputo Foundation.

Inclusive innovation

“By harnessing research and human capital towards inclusive innovation, universities have the potential to drive massive advances in social, economic, and environmental development.” Wendy Cukier and Erica Wright, of Ryerson University’s Diversity Institute, explain how. Ryerson is an Ashoka U Campus in the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Pour 3 Points Rapport Coccinelle – A journey towards a management model with shared power

Pour 3 Points’ (Ashoka Fellow, Fabrice Vil) transformation towards an organization embracing self-governance, an individual’s wholeness and self-evolving purpose.

COVID-19 scenario planning for nonprofit and philanthropic organizations (Deloitte)

The COVID-19 crisis has created a moment of -uncertainty for social sector organizations. No one knows how the future will unfold, but the tools of scenario planning can help social sector leaders better prepare their organizations for the different possibilities. 

On Netflix: We Are One documentary by Ashoka France Fellow, Stéphane de Freitas

We Are One brings together activists and analyzes how they collectively address various oppressions like racism and homophobia. It is an empowering story created by a Fellow who works as a bridge builder for change.

Welcome Change featuring moderator David Bornstein

We are currently facing acute problems stemming from the pandemic and generational problems rooted in systemic racism. Four Ashoka Fellows share what they’re learning, what’s ahead and why they’re hopeful.

Ashoka Resources

Ashoka-LinkedIn Volunteer Marketplace

Tap into the volunteer professional talent from LinkedIn’s vast network to take your own work to the next level. Are you looking for support on a particular project? Post your ad to Ashoka-LinkedIn Volunteer Marketplace.

Interested in participating in Ashoka related events?

Check out Ashoka’s event page with virtual events from around the world and connect with or learn from other network members.

How are you thinking about the planet and climate in your work?

Complete the survey to share how you are addressing climate change. Our relationship with the planet is such a holistic task that the Ashoka Next Now team want to understand what ALL Fellows are doing – not just those originally elected for an environmental innovation.

2020/2021 Virtual Fellowship Europe Program open to All Fellows from around the world

The Ashoka Europe Fellowship Program enables a  co-learning space – with workshops, retreats and online learnings on topics such as system change, replication & transfer, new leadership, wellbeing, social finance and more.

The Ashoka stamp helps both globally and nationally in terms of recognition and opening doors.”

Jeff Cyr, Ashoka Fellow / Raven Capital Partners