ASN members share their passion for the Ashoka Canada network
Ashoka is about what’s possible; it’s about unleashing the imagination and co-creating a brighter future. I’m immensely grateful for the gift that Ashoka has been to me. It has literally created connections and opportunities in my life that I could never have imagined.”
Peter Mortifee, Ashoka Support Network Member

Join our Ashoka Support Network family
Our community of dedicated ASN members contribute their skills, networks and resources to furthering the vision of Ashoka Fellows. This inspiring network includes more than 350 members in 25 countries. Their monthly or annual contributions provide stable funding to grow Ashoka’s impact.
Our global impact
Fellows report that Ashoka increases their impact
Fellows impact policy change
Fellows improve market systems
2018 Mission Measurement Ashoka Canada study.
Help realize
best future
The ASN are crucial and inspiring members of the Ashoka Canada family.
They provide encouragement and support to me, our team and the brilliant network of Ashoka Fellows across the country. The ASN join us at our Canadian and international events. Become a member of this global network of more than 350 like-minded individuals working to create a better world for all.
I look forward to discussing the opportunity for you to join this amazing group.

Barb Steele, Executive Director of Ashoka Canada